About Us
Who We Are
Safe2Drive Solutions Ltd is based on a heritage of innovation and time-tested UK brand customer success.
The founders are Allan Gibbons & Scott McLennan who both share decades of experience within the Automotive, Insurance & Technology markets.
Our Focus
Safe2Drive Solutions Ltd has made its top priority to go above and beyond for our customers. We deliver a system that’s easy to use but yet technically the most advanced in the market. Ensuring it is the customer’s choice.
Therefore by focusing on our customers’ requirement to stay compliant. Our mission is to help clients reduce road risk, while delivering the best-in-class solution service.
Additionally we serve as a key compliance partner for both large and small organisations by offering the most thorough, open, and quick Grey Fleet and Driving Licence Checking Solution.
Our team are fully trained on GDPR and data protection laws, and the system is fully compliant with all GDPR principles
We ensure that client data is stored securely and is encrypted end to end both data in transit and at rest. We are accredited with ISO/IEC 27001. The platform is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud in the UK, offering the most recent cloud security technology, including cutting-edge physical and cyber protection, intelligent failover to preserve business continuity, and immediate backup to a second data centre in the UK.
Additionally, we are able to provide businesses with system integration with a single sign-on option (SSO) that includes two factor authentication (2FA) to increase identity protection and password management. We are able to incorporate our clients corporate branding to ensure the users overall experience is the best.
What We Do
Safe2Drive offers the most thorough, transparent, quick, and robust Grey Fleet and Driving Licence Checks, we serve as a key compliance partner for both large and small businesses.
Our system is fully automated providing daily checks at the correct frequencies set by the client so that their drivers and vehicles stay compliant. We are uniquely focussed on Driving Licence & Grey Fleet Checks that are a vital service all businesses with vehicles and drivers.
Therefore the experience of the Safe2Drive team really helps clients soon understand the licence checking marketplace and the systems which are available. Safe2Drive developed its driving licence & grey fleet checking solution to ensure clients select and attain the best-in-class solution, by understanding the facts about Safe2Drive’s system, which is fully secure, scalable, futureproofed, cost-effective, and has a fully managed service behind it to support its clients.
Safe2Drive’s continual technological innovation thus ensures our clients consistently have the best-in-class Driving Licence & Grey Fleet solution, whilst retaining that all important ease of use system functionality.

System Access
All of our clients have real-time access to an any driver records, keeping you in control of your employees’ driving licences and grey fleet records 24/7.

System Encryption
All client data is kept secure (fully encrypted end to end) and significantly in compliance with all GDPR principals.

End 2 End Automated Digital Service
A paper mandate / declaration form is presently no longer required; everything is now evidently completed electronically.